Queen of Brooklyn - Complete Edition
Rita is a detective who is unaware that she has a vampire side. Maximillian has arrived in Brooklyn with the purpose of awakening that vampire side that is dormant inside her.
- Pages: 60 + 5 Bonus + 1 Cover + 2 Subcovers
- Additional: New comic pages + Bonus
- TF: Vampire/Breast Expansion/Butt Expansion/Corruption
- Digital comic
- Only for adults (18+)
- Complete Edition supported by PATREON FEMALE TRANSFORMATION
- Editing by Locofuria - Release August 2022
- Art by Mister D
- Colors by 6evilsonic6 (pages 1-23)
- Colors by Art of Helios (pages 24-60 + cover)
- Lettering by Aivinr & Francis Francia
- Script Editing by JessHavok
We did an amazing sequence based on this comic with Rita turning into vampire, if you are interested, you can purchase it here:
QOB - The Sequence #1This product is not currently for sale.
107 MB
70 pages
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